Children’s Ministry
At New Beginnings, we believe that the church should be a place for the entire family to learn and worship together. Our children’s ministry offers growth groups, Kids in Discipleship, Holiday Kids Clubs, and many ways for even the children to serve in the church. Kids in Discipleship This is an exciting 26 lesson study of what…

Growth Groups
Every Sunday morning at 9:00 A.M., our growth groups meet. We have growth groups for all ages. Seedlings Growth Group The Seedlings will be studying how God made our world and all that is in it. They will also learn how we should be thankful for all that God has made. Sprouts Growth Group The Sprouts will explore Jesus Christ as…

Mens Camp and Ministries
Mic 6:8 O man, He has declared to you what is good. And what does Jehovah require of you, but to do justice, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?
King James Bible
Once a year the Men and boys go on a camping trip. This is a time of refreshment and fellowship for the Men to get to know each other and grow in their walk with God. We also have a Mens prayer breakfast to come together and pray for our church and those people God is calling to a relationship with him.