We all go through seasons of life where we are striving to survive. Rejoice Ladies Retreat is a time to encourage each other to not just strive, but to thrive in every season.

New Beginnings Baptist Church would like to invite you to join us for a time of fun games, crafts, food, fellowship, and most importantly, feeding from God’s Word.

Rejoice Ladies Retreat will take place, Saturday, the 18th of May2024, from 9:30am to 2pm. All ladies over 12 are welcome to attend. The cost is $20.00 per person which includes morning tea, lunch, and a craft. Please bank transfer the money by the 15th of May 2024.

Our facilities are handicap accessible, however it is a bit of a walk from the carpark, so if you do have mobility issues, please let me know as there is closer parking available upon request.

Please follow the steps to complete the Rejoice Ladies Retreat registration.

STEP ONE: Pay $20 deposit

Here is the account for payments (Note this account is ONLY for Rejoice Ladies Retreat payments and not for giving to the church or to missions.)

 New Beginnings Baptist Church
 BSB: 034-073 
 Account number: 278578 

When you complete the online transfer, please put the initial of your Given Name with your Family Name in transfer description box, so we can match up your payment with your registration. (e.g.: John Smith  can put J.Smith in description)

Please also keep your payment receipt/reference number

STEP TWO: Complete the following registration form

Please Note: This form might not be compatible with IE browser

Rejoice Ladies Retreat Information & Registration

Media Release Form

During the ladies retreat, there will be photos and videos taken. These photos and videos will be used to create advertising and flyers for future retreats, and to advertise on the retreats social media pages.